Mike will be the last board member to Brave the Dare!
Board member Mike will be the last board member to Brave the Dare very soon. We start his process off by asking for any nominations. If you have anything that […]
Board member Mike will be the last board member to Brave the Dare very soon. We start his process off by asking for any nominations. If you have anything that […]
Clarissa Johnson, experienced teacher and now accomplished author of the new book HELLO BRAIN has decided to give big in the month of March. Clarissa will generously be donating 50% […]
In January, two of our board members – Mike and Bec Lush visited children who are recipients of school sponsorship under the School Support Project, operated through The Charity Club, […]
To those that may have missed the news but well done to our board member Liz, who completed her dare to raise a great amount of $655. This money will […]
Over the weekend the Back to School Trivia night was held on the mid-north coast of NSW, Australia to raise funds for The Reading Seed and the Wauchope Bonny Hills […]
BOARD MEMBER LIZ, will be braving the dare on Sunday 26th of November. She will be walking 10km and raising money to do this feat. She is currently raising funds […]
Here at The Reading Seed, we love encouraging philanthropy and so when we heard that some generous cub scouts from Bakersfield, California, USA wanted to help make a difference and […]
Member of The Reading Seed, Jenny Lush has done an incredible feat and raised a brilliant $900 for The Reading Seed in one day at her recent Perth garage sale. […]
Liz has been chosen to be next board member in our Brave the Dare challenge. We have taken nominations and the dare is almost finalised! We will announce this very […]
After 4 years of operation The Reading Seed turns 4! Thanks to everybody who contributed in some way to help children across the globe have access to a better education. […]