Over the weekend the Back to School Trivia night was held on the mid-north coast of NSW, Australia to raise funds for The Reading Seed and the Wauchope Bonny Hills Surf Life Saving Club Nippers. The night was a lot of fun with many people coming to show support and enjoy the night of trivia, games and prizes. Many people got into the back to school theme and enjoyed dressing up, with a few taking their character quite seriously(…the headmaster).
Along with trivia, games, an auction and great prizes through various raffles, the night went well and a huge amount was raised which will be split between the two organisations.
Nights like this cannot go ahead without the organisation of a handful of people and so a special thanks goes to Liz and Keith Charles, Susie and George Storm, Gayl Ellis, Jeremy Bate, Melinda and Steven Robinson and Jock Gavern, the great MC!
Thanks again everyone!