Read on to find out how Daniel’s Dare went…
Apparently no-one else got the memo about PJ Day today!
Firstly a huge thank you for all your support, together we raised over $800 and plenty of awareness. I have elected for 100% of the donations to go to our remedial teaching project. This money will provide 3 children up to 2 months of much needed maths focussed one on one tuition – thankyou!
As for the dare, it started off easy this morning with no time wasted in getting ready for work. There were a couple of strange looks during the school drop off, but as I snuck into the office (extremely comfortable) things were going ok.
Then as the office crowd started to roll in the looks started. The cleaners, then accountants and my team and (later) the managers…
Most were relieved to hear in my broken Spanish that I was not living out some horrible nightmare, or that this was not some crazy new Australian fashion and were great to laugh along to this great cause. Some with a fashion sense similar to my own didn’t even notice!
The most challenging of times was during meetings, trying to be professional and keep a straight face discussing project progress and costs with the team – and this was topped off with the last meeting of the day with the Country Manager and Global Manager from a large global engineering company!
It was with great relief when I left the office and made my way home (extremely comfortable) and with no time wasted in getting ready for bed!