Emma Bales

Emma is a primary school teacher, who has lived in South Africa for 3 years. During this time she volunteered her skills in local public schools, orphanages and children’s homes. She found that children living in these environments had learning difficulties and were missing important foundational skills needed for later learning and this is why Emma and her husband Daniel launched The Reading Seed. If you would like more information about Emma please see her Linked In page.

Daniel Bales

Daniel works in the mining industry and has lived and travelled through Africa, Asia and the Americas. Through travel Daniel developed an appreciation for the privileges we have growing up in Australia and a passion for helping children in developing countries, particularly through education. Now with children of their own growing through these critical early years, Daniel and Emma are even more passionate about the importance of a good education from a very early age. You can connect with Daniel through his Linked In page.

Justin Frost

Justin is a finance professional who has worked in a variety of industries both in Australia and abroad. Throughout his overseas travels he experienced a spectrum of living standards and educational disadvantage was clearly at the heart of many social issues. He also supports Australian educational initiatives and is interested in assisting other countries in improving access to learning as it sets the foundations for dealing with life’s challenges. Justin is on Linked In if you would like more information.

The Reading Seed provides educational advancement for under privileged children living in developing countries abroad.

Rebecca Lush

Rebecca is a Human Resources professional with both Australian and international experience in the Mining and Resources sector. Throughout her journey, in particular within remote Australian communities, Western Africa and Southern Africa, Bec has developed a great appreciation for the importance of reaching out to others, the power of learning and education and a drive to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Michael Lush

Mike is currently living and working in the Pilbara region, Western Australia. Mike has a Science and Health background and works as a Health and Safety professional. Originally from Zimbabwe, having lived residential in remote Northern Australian as well as recently living in Africa, Mike has a developed a deeply rooted and unconditional passion for the communities within which he lives and works. Mike is calibrated and driven by the proverb from Nelson Mandela being that ‘education is the most powerful weapon’.

Liz Charles

I see The Reading Seed as my opportunity to give to children desperate to have a future. I believe that this is my chance to help these children succeed.
After spending time in South Africa and at “The Village of Joy’ I saw how important it is for people like myself and others like me, who have so much,  to give to these children who have so little. These children need a start in life; they need to have the opportunity to change their lives; to be as good as they can be. 
I am delighted to be part of a team of passionate people who want to give these children an education and a future.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

– Nelson Mandela –